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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
Strait Forum opens to enhance trust
   日期: 2010-06-21 08:21         編輯: 楊云濤         來源: SRC-956


BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhuanet) -- More than 10,000 Taiwan people are participating in the second Strait Forum, which kicked off Saturday in the coastal city of Xiamen, Fujian Province.

Delegates are using the event as a chance for face to face exchanges on issues concerning development across the Taiwan Strait.

People to people exchanges at the grassroots level are highlighting this year's forum.

More than 10-thousand Taiwn people are attending the event. Unlike other major Mainland-Taiwan gatherings, which are dominated by formal dialogue and policy-setting negotiations, this forum is all about leisurely chats and religious worship.

Political and business leaders attending the opening ceremony offered high praise for the role of grassroots-level exchanges in promoting Cross-Strait ties.

Wang Yi, Director, Taiwan Work Office, CPC Central Commitee, said, "Exchanges between the two sides of the Strait are exchanges between people. We have realized direct links in trade, postal service, and shipping. We will also link our people's hearts, souls, and fates. We will combine our people's strengths, pushing forward the peaceful development of our relationship."

Huang Ming-hui, Vice Chair, Kuomingtang Party, said, "People are the major driving force to move history forward. Only exchanges can reduce misunderstandings between Taiwan and the Mainland. Only exchanges can boost our mutual trust. I hope this Forum is a new starting point in Cross-Strait ties."

Top political advisor, Jia Qinglin, announced the opening of the week-long forum.

That ceremony was followed by a grand gala presenting the similar and unique culture that straddles the Strait.

About 80% of this year's attendees from Taiwan are non-officials, and more than 60 percent come from the central or southern parts of the island.

Participants will gather to discuss cooperation in multiple areas, ranging from agriculture to the preservation of ethnic culture. They will also jointly worship shared ancestors, gods, and legendary figures revered on both sides of the Strait.

Heated issues like the signing of ECFA, the free trade agreement between Mainland and Taiwan, are also likely to top the agenda.



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