
Studio interview: How has Straits Forum boosted Cross-Strait relations?

時間:2012-06-18 10:14   來源:CNTV.CN


The fourth Straits Forum has opened in south-east Fujian Province. The forum, which will last until Friday, has attracted more than 10-thousand delegates.

For more on the straits forum, we are now joined in the studio by our current affairs commentator Gregory Yingnien Tsang.

Q1. Tell us more about who will be invited to the 4th cross-straits forum?

Q2. The straits forum has been held three times. How has it boosted Cross-Strait relations?

Q3. Now this is the fourth forum. What’s the focus and what can we expect from it?

Q4. What policies have been put forward to benefit people of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan?

Q5. How was the forum conceived? What’s the aim of starting this annual event?

Q6. What achievements have been made in the cross-straits economic cooperation, especially after the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement took effect?

Q7. What is the focus of the economic cooperation between Chinese mainland and Taiwan?

Q8. It has been reported that this forum will put forward a series of policies to benefit Taiwan. What’s your analysis?

Q9. Tell us more about the series of activities which will be held to boost economic ties.

Q10. What can we expect for economic cooperation in the fourth forum?




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