
Expo roller coaster leaves dizzying legacy

時(shí)間:2010-10-29 15:26   來(lái)源:SRC-188

After the Expo Garden bolts its gates on Sunday night, the demolition squads will move in and raze to the ground a makeshift global city of dazzling pavilions that will be rebuilt, in a different form, in Milan in 2015. (Source: China Daily/Gao Erqiang)by Matt Hodges

BEIJING, Oct. 29 (Xinhuanet) -- The Shanghai 2010 Expo has been a roller coaster ride of culture, creativity, sharing and innovation - not only for those who visited the iconic Swiss Pavilion, and took its chairlift ride through a virtual Alps, but for all of the participants, visitors and media.

From Miguelin, the 6.5-meter animated baby inside the Spain Pavilion, to Latvia's body-flying wind tunnel and Thomas Heatherwick's inspired "Seed Cathedral" UK Pavilion, the Expo has created new icons, new iconic structures and new iconic moments that Shanghai will remember long after the lights go out.

The Expo has also created a legacy of hospitality among the city's residents. It has improved the local service industry and initiated dialogue on important issues - issues that the planned Expo 2010 Museum will ensure are not forgotten or discarded.

It has also brought Chinese people closer to the rest of the world, and vice versa. Things that were once eyed with suspicion are now likely to be seen in a more open and friendly light on both sides of the table. It has opened doors.

Most importantly, perhaps, the last six months have seen 242 participants operating in harmony, showing what is possible when they put a collective focus on common problems, such as building sustainable and environmentally friendly cities.

The same logic applies to cultural collaboration. The Expo Garden has stood as a living symbol and testament to this by having colorful performers from around the world working together within its gates from dawn till dusk, seven days a week, week in and week out.




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