

時(shí)間:2009-06-09 12:56   來源:SRC-5279

The emblem, depicting the image of three people-you, me, him/her holding hands together, symbolizes the big family of mankind. Inspired by the shape of the Chinese character"?"(meaning the world), the design conveys the organizers' wish to host an Expo which is of global scale and which showcases the diversified urban cultures of the world.




象州县| 新蔡县| 乐业县| 湄潭县| 台北市| 拜城县| 湘潭市| 兴城市| 大渡口区| 信丰县| 尼玛县| 萨嘎县| 门源| 衡水市| 旬邑县| 马鞍山市| 徐水县| 威海市| 永和县| 溧阳市| 双峰县| 安陆市| 博客| 正安县| 新晃| 忻城县| 宜昌市| 临朐县| 夏河县| 繁昌县| 尖扎县| 木里| 威宁| 天峻县| 永昌县| 大同县| 南木林县| 宝清县| 汝南县| 常宁市|