
Quotes on land use from political advisor Liang Jiyang

時(shí)間:2012-03-09 13:22   來(lái)源:Xinhua

BEIJING -- Following are some quotes on land use from Liang Jiyang, a political advisor and researcher with the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, at the annual session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee on Friday:

-- Land is, and will be, an important issue that affects economic development and social stability.

-- China is a country short of arable land, rather than a country short of land resources.

-- China should change the way it develops its land and seek more working and living space for development from about 100 million hectares of gentle hillside and slope areas, rather than from flat arable land.

-- A logical option is to move towns and factories to the hillside areas.

-- The occupation of flat farmland for other use should be strictly restricted.




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